måndag 1 augusti 2022

New horses are coming

 Looking at the race-track

There is a thorougbred coming, I heard yesterday from my friend at SL. I have waited for this!

This blog is not reached by many yet so I think I can write it here. The thorougbred is coming at the Enchantment fair 13th August. AND there is coming a Tinker too! But the Tinker (Irish Cob) is released at the Horse show starting at 16 September.

Oh my!

I cant wait! Is the racehorse coming with that short mane with that typical hairstyle where the mane on the top of the neck is almost standing up? I can belive the exterior on the horse is wery typical and well made as usual with Teegle horses. I bet it is a sight!! I hope for a AO that is a bit of "I CANT stand still!" And this one I really want to see Jess colours on, "Zenyatta", Sectretariat" and my own custom made from her. I LOVE these colurs!

/Racy Razor

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