måndag 20 juni 2022


 They are just beautyful when you give them the right mane, tale and colour!!

söndag 19 juni 2022

SL Horses


Just so nice, but my internet is so slow, the horses colours did not load as they should

lördag 18 juni 2022

Teegle avatar


Horse avatar

I never had one and never should. But then this happend:

So I thought why not? It is compatible with the accessories for the Teeglepet Clydesdale it says. (But I could not attach the Victorian Frankfurt Carriage and the heavy harness, even with help, will try again)

I customized my avatar with this: Coat from Texture barn (Zenyatta), Teegle romance mane, Teegle elegant tail, mane colour "Raven" from Appybottom and leggy fluff from Appubottom. Isn´t she lovely?

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 My music on soundcloud: Strömma musik från Trine Andreassen | Lyssna på låtar, album och spellistor utan kostnad på SoundCloud Any Second l...