måndag 28 februari 2022


 Now we can just ride around, spreading some love and maybe some smiles :)

onsdag 23 februari 2022


 This is Timothy, a beautyful black friesian stallion. Horse by Teegle, coat made by Jess (Texture barn). Avatar by Maitreya body, catwa head and hair by Sintiklia.

And now Ive done it again, asked for another custom coat. The last one, my own beloved Russian horse Horka (Orlovtrotter). Now same coat but with a HEART instead of a star in the face :) Cant wait. This will be called Racy Custom. And this will be around in my blog for a long time. Carrying around the LOVE that we people need to give each other instead of all that HATE!

onsdag 16 februari 2022

Long time no see

 But today we went for a little try-out for the harness. They are lovely. Ready for cirkus?

Then "Her Majesty" keeps practicing her piaffe

Me and Her Majesty. Shes got that little details.. You see the heart under her eye? And the three hearts on her neck? This is Valentines day limited edition frpm Appybottoms. Love it! The mane on this coat is really colourful, works great on shows. But for mor everyday use I took the mane from Texture barns sooty palomino. Love to mix and match!!

Isnt she lovely?

Horka eafter hes western-style training

Sweetlips and Red Dream

Im back

 My music on soundcloud: Strömma musik från Trine Andreassen | Lyssna på låtar, album och spellistor utan kostnad på SoundCloud Any Second l...