torsdag 30 september 2021

The camp


Heya friends, got some soup for me?

/Choko Melodie


Taking some pictures at the horse show, it is closing in twoo days. So making memories from the day I got my "Leise" horse (coat colour). I won it on the "one of a kind" auktion. Never thought I was going there, never thought I would bid and NEVER EVER thought I would come home with something this nice. When I saw this skin I knew I was going to try to get it. SO beautyful, SO wild and so exactly what I wanted!

/Choko Melodie

onsdag 29 september 2021




These twoo are meeting from time to time, having fun. My black one behaved this time.

/Choko Melodie

måndag 27 september 2021

One of a kind


I won the "one of a kind" auktion on this beautyful wild thing! She was not expensive either! And WOOW she is really beautyful! This one is close to my heart now. Here we are exploring the forests together. Love her... 


Choko Melodie

söndag 12 september 2021



Arabian horses almost can fly

Loki is not shure about if we can walk over this bridge, 

it all went well, but whats the smell?


/Racy Razor

Viper and Rattler


Well boys, can you behave? We can have a nice time here if you dont show your teeth and bark at everything. Scaring all people away. Can you do that?

Viper and Rattler. Squirrel!!!!!

/Racy Razor

tisdag 7 september 2021

Horses.. horses



 Hello there! I am working as a secret spy... Wait..maybe not sectret any more now. But well yeah I have my beloved doberman Rattler here, he will help me. If I just dare to take off that thing on hes mouth, he is a litte crazy. Shadow my friesian stallion is the only on of us three who is really not crazy they say. He is looking another way.. yes he dont understand this growl-thing! But Rattler do!! Grrrr!

/Myzko Szczepanski

Maye he is a little drunk?


Im not shure about this... well he is handsome and the ship is great! But where are we going? I cant understand one word he says but I could hear something about lobsters? Silver and gold and great food? Well Im on my way now, my first cruise. 

/Soyuz Karillion

måndag 6 september 2021

Sectret service

 On my way to another indian village I took another way, a shortcut. But in the middle of the dusty roads ther was a town. With lots of cars, people and big ugly buildings. We entered up behind a lot of people and three gentlemen walking behind a big black car with flags on it. In the car a man sat there waiving to people. Well my horse got a little curious about one of the things in the hand of one of these three guys. He took it out of hes hand and dropped it on the ground. All things got crazy! They was really mad! We had to stand there waiting for the car and the crowd to pass. Then we could carry on with our journey. My oh my, peole are crazy in towns..


/Choko Melody

söndag 5 september 2021

Driving around in Amiville with my mule Tanglefoot and my mustang Sally. Ok, Sally is heavy loaded right now cause I am preparing for a long trip with just med and her. Tanglefoot is going to be home in my Indian village with my friends.

So long

/Choko Melodie

Barley and hes wagon


This is really nice! Driving a rustic working wagon with my big beautyful Russian draft boy Vladimir around the streets of Teegle. Now we can go on exploring and even take someone with us on the way sometimes. The sound from the wheels are calming, and Barley behaves like a gentleman. Barley can even pull heavy weight, Ill show you later.

Have a nice day

/Racy Razor

Im back

 My music on soundcloud: Strömma musik från Trine Andreassen | Lyssna på låtar, album och spellistor utan kostnad på SoundCloud Any Second l...